step 1

choose location

step 2

choose package

A Frame Cabintick mark
Mini A-Frame Cabintick mark
900 Kanditick mark

Guest Policy

Tentgram’s Terms & Conditions for Trips:

The purchase of any travel services offered by Tentgram Tourism Pvt Ltd (hereinafter referred as 'TENTGRAM’) constitutes a contractual arrangement between Tentgram ('First Party') and Client (hereinafter referred as 'You') ('Second Party'). Both Parties are hereinafter referred as ('Parties'). Booking of services with Tentgram represents your unconditional acceptance of the terms & conditions set out herein. These terms and conditions shall be binding on you and all the travel companions booked by you. Therefore, you must agree with these terms and conditions. Please ensure that you read carefully and understand these terms prior to confirming your Trip booking.


The company does not own or control hotels, transportation or other facilities mentioned in the tour. As an operator of the package tour therefore, we cannot be held liable.

1. Where there has been no fault on the part of the company, supplier or agents.
2. Where the failures in performance of the contract are attributable to the customer.
3. Where the failures are attributable to a third party not connected with the provision of the holiday and is unforeseeable or unavoidable.
4. Where the failures are due to unusual and unforeseeable circumstances beyond your control.
5. Where the failures are due to an event which you or your supplier even with all due care could not foresee or foretell.

We do take all reasonable steps in ensuring that the organization maintains standards and provide a service that is acceptable to the passengers. The information within this website has been compiled with all reasonable care and is correct to the best knowledge of the company and is published in good faith.

Early Check-in / Late Check -out

Please note that standard check-in / Checkout time in most hotels is 1400/1200hrs or based on the hotel policy. (IST). Therefore the cost of early check-in or Late check-out is not included in the tour cost. We can always make a request for early check-in or late checkout if required but we do not guarantee that, that entirely depends upon the policy of the hotel, time of the year and availability of the room.

Extra Uses of Vehicle

Please note that the cost of the vehicle (car/traveller with the driver) does not include extra usage of the vehicle like after transfer or after sightseeing until or unless it is mentioned in the itinerary.

Rights to amend the itinerary if required

Tour once commenced will strictly go as per the itinerary finalized. In case of events and circumstances beyond our control, we reserve the right to change all or parts of the contents of the itinerary for safety and well being of our esteemed passengers.


The Price of your travel arrangement is subject to surcharges in case of sudden hike in fuel prices, high influx of tourists and any taxes levied by the government. Even in this case, we will try to absorb an amount of 2%, an amount exceeding over 2% will be surcharged.

Our Liability

Tentgram Pvt. Ltd accepts the liability for those arrangements for your holiday, which are wholly within our control and therefore, accept liability to clients for the negligence of our employees. However, we would like to draw attention to the following circumstances, which fall outside our direct control or where for some reason we are not prepared to accept liability.
The Company shall, in no circumstances whatsoever be liable to the client or any person travelling with him or her for: Any death, personal injury, sickness accidents, loss delay, discomfort, increased expenses, consequential loss and / or damage or theft howsoever caused.
Any act, omission, default of any independent contractor or other person or by any servant or agents employed by them who may be engaged or concerned in the provision of accommodation, refreshment, carriage facility or service for the client or for any person travelling with him howsoever caused.
Tentgram Pvt. Ltd is unable to take liability for commercial arrangements out of our control such as natural disasters, industrial disputes, reason of threat or war, riots, civil strife, terrorist activities, technical problems to the transport, extreme weather conditions, closure of the airports and sea ports and similar event out of our control, or are due to unusual and unforeseeable circumstances beyond our control.

Tentgram’s Promotion Materials

Pictures used on the website and collateral are meant for marketing purposes. These do not imply the inclusion of the pictorial content to be a part of your Trip or any guarantee that you will experience, encounter or view whatever is depicted through the pictures.

Don’t miss the dates

Tentgram announces the dates after careful planning. Tentgram doesn’t hold any responsibility if you fail to verify the dates mentioned on the promotional material or the trip confirmation shared to you. You are solely responsible for verifying the correct dates on the Travel documents.

Tentgram’s Trip Itinerary

Tentgram’s only & prime concern is your safety and enjoyment. Tentgram therefore works carefully and responsibly to ensure that your trip is organized trouble free. Therefore Tentgram reserves the right to modify or cancel the trip or part of the trip under any circumstances, including but not limiting to, Acts of God, road blockage, political unrest, cancellation of flight, delayed arrival, sickness, accidents, events beyond Tentgram’s control etc. Any extra cost arising from such circumstances shall be borne by you and to be paid on the spot to Tentgram’s account or to the team/ co-ordinator available on ground, wherever possible Tentgram will inform you of such changes in advance or during the trip.

Tentgram Stay - Cancelation & Refund Policy

Any booking cancellation requested 7 days prior to the check-in date

* 80% of the booking amount will be refunded (20% of the amount will be incurred for bank processing charge)
* Customers can have a credit to reschedule the booking to a future date.
Note: Any rescheduling is only allowed once and the booking date should be within 90 days from the date of cancellation. The booking confirmation is subject to availability

Any booking cancellation requested 3 days prior to the check-in date

* 70% of the booking amount will be refunded
* Customers can have a credit to reschedule the booking for a future date.
Note: Any rescheduling is only allowed once and the booking date should be within 90 days from the date of cancellation. The booking confirmation is subject to availability

Any booking cancellation requested 48 hours prior to the check-in date

* Customers can have a credit to reschedule the booking for a future date and no refund can be processed as per this policy
Note: Any rescheduling is only allowed once and the booking date should be within 90 days from the date of cancellation. The booking confirmation is subject to availability

Any booking cancellation requested within 24 hours of the check-in date

* No refund or rescheduling is allowed if the cancellation request is received within 24 hours from the check-in date

Refund process:

All refunds will be processed within 48 hours from the date of request and The amount should reflect in your account by 10 -1 5 Business Days.

Tentgram Trips - Cancelation & Refund Policy

No refund (Partial or otherwise) will be made if you voluntarily leave or drop out of a trip for any reason after the trip has begun. No refunds will be made for any accommodation, transportation, sightseeing, meals or services not utilized. In case, Tentgram cancels the trip due to unforeseen circumstances we would be happy to suggest an alternative trip/dates. You shall be notified on the same. You may accept the alternate trip suggestion, voucher (with one year redeemable limitation) or request another trip of your choice. The difference in cost, if applicable, will have to be borne by you. Tentgram shall, under no circumstances, be liable for any additional costs, credit card charges, TAC(s), travel arrangements including but not limited to flight cancellation, railway, hotel, visas costs, onward arrangements coinciding with this trip etc. Refunds in such a scenario will happen as per our cancellation policy. Refunds are not possible for any missed or unused services including voluntary / involuntary termination of trip on account of sickness, death of a family member, late arrival on the trip etc. Tentgram is also not liable to pay any compensation for any loss arising as a consequence of trip curtailment, alteration, extension or cancellation due to any reasons. However, you expressly agree that, in any event, the maximum liability of Tentgram will be limited to the trip cost paid to Tentgram.

1. Cancellation made 30 days before the trip- 70% cash refund or Get 100% of the trip fee in an Tentgram Trip Voucher.
2. Cancellation made 20 days before the trip- 50% cash refund or Get 80% of the trip fee in an Tentgram Trip Voucher.
3. Cancellation made less than 15 days before the trip- No cash refund , Get 50% of the trip fee in an Tentgram Trip Voucher.
4. Cancellation made 7 days before the trip– No Refund, No Trip Voucher
5. No refunds given on cancellation within 7 days of the trip’s starting date.
6. Refunds will be made within 7-10 working days from the date of cancellation.
7. In case of refund, 4% payment processing charges applied.
8. Cancellation charges are based on the total trip fee, irrespective of the amount paid either full or partial.
9. The refund amount will be calculated from the total fee, in case any partial payment has been made.
10. If your Booking says ” NON REFUNDABLE “ No Refund or Trip Voucher will be issued.

Your Communication with Tentgram

All the communication will be done through the email ID submitted by the individual at the time of registration. Tentgram is not responsible for loss or delay of communication due to incorrect email ID submitted by the Individual. In case of change in email ID, Tentgram should be informed in writing on at the earliest.

Luggage is your responsibility

Baggage and personal effects are at your risk throughout the trip. You are solely responsible for your personal belongings while on-trip. Tentgram is not responsible for the loss of baggage, goods, air tickets, passport, cash, traveller's cheques, or any other travel document or item owned by you while on trip, whatever the cause is.

Your Behaviour is important during the trip

You are required to behave in a manner that is acceptable and conducive to group travel. Tentgram reserves the right to cancel your trip (if you are found to be causing any trouble to co-travellers in case of group travel, endanger / damage property of any of our suppliers or of other travelling companions), without assigning any reason whatsoever. No refund for unused services is possible in such cases. You also agree to abide by the authority of the Trip Coordinator on ground designated by Tentgram. The decision of the Trip Coordinator is binding on all participants on matters that affect the safety or well-being of any person participating in the trip. Behaviour that causes danger, distress or annoyance to others, or interferes with the mobility of the group can result in the Trip Coordinator terminating your participation from the trip, with no right to refund for missed or unused services.

Personal Expenses

Inclusions for each trip are different and the accommodation, meals, arrival or departure transfers, guides, entrance fees, transportation, if included, are as specified with the itinerary. Unless otherwise stated, insurance, international and domestic airfares, cost of obtaining passports and visas, airport departure taxes, excess baggage charges, gratuities to guides, meals other than those specified in the itinerary, beverages, personal expenses such as laundry, phone calls and optional tour prices are extra and the same needs to be paid on spot to the concerned.

Awareness, Acceptance & Emergency

You accept that the very nature of active, experience based travel requires a degree of personal risk and awareness. You are likely to visit places where political, cultural and geographical attributes present certain risks, dangers and physical challenges. By booking a trip with Tentgram, You accept that you are aware of the personal risks, dangers and challenges upon such travel and that you assume the risks involved. You hereby assume all such risk and release Tentgram from all claims and causes of action arising from such damages or injuries or death resulting from these inherent risks. It is your responsibility to familiarize yourself with customs, weather conditions, physical challenges and laws in effect as well as your local embassy contacts in each destination. In the event, You fall ill or suffer an accident during the trip, all hospital expenses, doctor fees, repatriation expenses, evacuation from a remote location, any other charges incurred as a direct or indirect result of Your illness / accident are Your responsibility.

Third Party Agreement & Photography Right

Tentgram hires the services of Third Parties who are professionals in their field. You hereby undertake to absolve Tentgram from any liabilities, vicarious or otherwise arising from deficiency in service of these third parties. Tentgram will not be responsible for any harm, loss or damage to your luggage, belongings or self when carried by porters, ponies or vehicles, during the trip, your arrival and departure or stay at the hotel / guest house. Tentgram reserves the right to take photographs of you during any trip and can use photos shared by you through e-mail, whatsapp, any website link for the promotional purposes. By booking or participating in a trip with us, you automatically grant us royalty-free, perpetual, worldwide and irrevocable license for using your images in photographs and videos that may be used for promotional material, website, social media, collateral and any other marketing and publicity materials. Tentgram does not require your prior consent and does not need to compensate you for such use of your photographs or videos. However, Tentgram does cater to media professionals. Should you have any reservations about your images not being used, please inform Tentgram at the time of booking your trip.

Itinerary & Optional activities

Tentgram has taken every reasonable step to ensure that the trip preparation meets the required standard. It has carefully selected its service providers and ensured that service descriptions are accurate. However, Tentgram only selects and inspects them and has no control in their management and running, Tentgram cannot be held liable for injury, damage, loss, accident, delay or irregularity which may arise (directly or indirectly) through acts or deficiencies of suppliers engaged in delivering a specific service. Terms and conditions of suppliers when applicable are expressly indicated when they are required. Tentgram reserves the right to modify/ change all or any of the terms applicable to the Trip without assigning any reasons or without any prior intimation whatsoever. Tentgram reserve the right to discontinue any Trip without assigning any reasons or without any prior intimation whatsoever. Tentgram reserves the right at any time without prior notice to add, alter, modify, all or any of these terms and conditions or replace, wholly or in part, any Trip or to withdraw it altogether. In case of any disputes, Tentgram’s decision will be final and binding to Both parties. Arbitration and Litigation is your constitutional right and shall be exercised as per the Indian law.